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Code Nickname Title Disease   Condition Level Target   Status Enroll   Centers  
CISL2304PMBCLReal-world outcomes of patients with primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma in Korea: A multicenter, retrospective analysis PMBCLRegistryRetrosp150Ongoing
CISL2303VR2A phase 1/2 study of the combination of venetoclax, rituximab and lenalidomide for relapsed or refractory primary central nervous system lymphomaCNSSalvagePhase 1/235Preparing31
CISL2302ZRICEPhase I/II study of Zanubrutinib in combination with Rituximab, Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide [ZR-ICE] in relapsed/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphomaDLBCLSalvagePhase 1/272Ongoing121
CISL2301SIENAPhase 1/2 study of Selinexor in combination with ICE-D in patients with secondary CNS involving relapsed or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaB-NHLSalvagePhase 1/235Ongoing31
CISL2209PCNSL-R2PChemotherapy-free salvage therapy with rituximab, lenalidomide, and poseltinib for the treatment of relapsed or refractory primary central nervous system lymphomaCNSSalvagePhase 229Ongoing51
CISL2208DuoFOLKDuodenal-type Follicular Lymphoma in Korean Population: A Multicenter StudyFLRegistryCohort245Ongoing428
CISL2206TARANISPhase II study of Concurrent Tislelizumab and Radiotherapy for treatment-naive, newly diagnosed low-risk extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal typeNK/T1st-linePhase 238Ongoing146
CISL2204BRMA randomized phase II trial comparing rituximab/bendamustine (RB) alternating with rituximab/bendamustine/cytarabine (RBAC) with RB as induction therapy in elderly patients with newly diagnosed and transplant-ineligible mantle cell lymphomaMCL1st-linePhase 2R90Ongoing65
CISL2203GPLPhase II study of Glofitamab, Poseltinib and Lenalidomide in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphomaDLBCLSalvagePhase 2102Ongoing8819
CISL2202ACANTHUSMulticenter, open label, phase I/II study of azacitidine-CHOP for patients with nodal T-cell lymphoma with T-follicular helper phenotypeTFHL1st-linePhase 1/241Ongoing198
CISL2201PCNSL-LEMPhase II trial of Lenalidomide maintenance after high-dose methotrexate-based immunochemotherapy in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma CNSMaintenancePhase 231Ongoing287
CISL2104LARCHPhase II study of lenalidomide-R-CHOP for patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma who are at high risk of central nervous system relapseDLBCL1st-linePhase 2100Ongoing9511
CISL2102ICINGPhase II study of Isatuximab and Cemiplimab in relapsed or refractory naturalkiller/T-cell lymphoid malignancyNK/TSalvagePhase 237Ongoing387
CISL2101RAINBOW Prospective multi-center cohort study of newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma patients: Evaluation of tumor microenvironment by brain biopsy with multiplex immunohistochemistryCNSRegistryCohort200Ongoing121
CISL2004ICONA prospective cohort of ibrutinib treatment for relapsed or refractory CLL with next-generation sequencing (NGS) assessmentCLLRegistryCohort30Ongoing317
CISL2003BRIDGEBrentuximab vedotin plus cisplatin, cytarabine, and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma who are eligible for transplant.HLSalvagePhase 230Ongoing33
CISL2002OBICOMMulticenter prospective Cohort study of combined chemotherapy with obinutuzumab and chlorambucil for elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia based on NGS assessmentCLLRegistryCohort31Ongoing349
CISL1912D-GEMOXDecitabine with Gemcitabine, Oxaliplatin for relapsed/refractory peripheral T cell lymphomaPTCLSalvagePhase 266Ongoing146
CISL1911HOLYMulticenter retrospective study of elderly Hodgkin lymphomaHLRegistryRetrosp500Ongoing18117
CISL1905RRT-AlloAllogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with 3-days Busulfan plus fludarabine as Conditioning in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory T-, NK/T-cell lymphomasPTCLSalvagePhase 234Ongoing2010
CISL1904AP MCLRAsia-Pacific Multinational Registry of Mantle cell lymphomaMCLRegistryCohort250Ongoing12043
CISL1902HOTMulticenter Prospective Cohort Study of Hodgkin Lymphoma HLRegistryCohort300Ongoing12915
CISL1901EPICA Phase II Study of Epigenetic Priming Using Azacitidine Followed by R-GDP in Patients with Transplant-Ineligible Relapsed/Refractory DLBCLDLBCLSalvagePhase 227Ongoing157
CISL1803BRAVOA multi-center and non-interventional registry of Brentuximab Vedotin in patients with relapsed or refractory CD30+ lymphoma CD30+SalvageCohort150Ongoing8512
CISL1802FIXATIONA phase 2 study of ixazomib maintenance treatment for newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphomaMCLMaintenancePhase 230Ongoing309
CISL1801LEMONTPhase II study of Lenalidomide Maintenance after Salvage therapy in patients with relapsed and/or refractory non-Hodgkin T-cell lymphoma (The LEMONT trial) PTCLMaintenancePhase 279Ongoing5811
CISLPMBCLReal-world outcomes of patients with primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma in Korea: A multicenter, retrospective analysis PMBCLRegistryRetrosp00Ongoing