Code Nick Title Journal Year Level Disease Condition PubMed
CISL1913BR-MCLBendamustine Plus Rituximab for Mantle Cell Lymphoma: A Korean, Multicenter Retrospective AnalysisAnticancer Res . 2022 Dec;42(12):6083-60892022RetrospMCLSalvage
CISL1910MCLRRReal-world outcomes of ibrutinib therapy in Korean patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma: a multicenter, retrospective analysis.Cancer Commun (Lond). 2021 Mar;41(3):275-278. 2021RetrospMCLSalvage
CISL1909FLPOD24Clinical outcomes of Early-progressed follicular lymphoma in Korea: A multicenter, restrospecive analysisAMS 2022 Mar2022RetrospFLRegistry
CISL1907COSMOSCombination treatment of copanlisib and gemcitabine in relapsed/refractory PTCL (COSMOS): an open-label phase I/II trial.Ann Oncol. 2021 Apr;32(4):552-559. 2021Phase 2PTCLSalvage
CISL1705CREMAPhase 2NHL1st-line
CISL1704MEITLMulticenter retrospective analysis of the clinicopathologic features of monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphomaAnn Hematol. 2019 Nov;98(11):2541-2550.2019RetrospPTCL
CISL1702ASCT-PPXIncidence and risk factors of opportunistic infections after autologous stem cell transplantation: a nationwide, population-based cohort study in KoreaSci Rep . 2023 Feb 13;13(1):2551.2023RetrospASCT
CISL1609PROPOSALPralatrexate in patients with recurrent or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a multicenter retrospective analysisSci Rep. 2019 Dec 30;9(1):20302.2019RetrospPTCL
CISL1606LITTLEClinical features and treatment outcomes of limited-stage mantle cell lymphoma: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma report.Ann Hematol. 2020 Feb;99(2):223-228. 2020RetrospMCL
CISL1602IVORYA phase II study of ibrutinib in combination with rituximab-cyclophosphamide-doxorubicin hydrochloride-vincristine sulfate-prednisone therapy in Epstein-Barr virus-positive, diffuse large B cell lymphoma (54179060LYM2003: IVORY study): results of the final analysis.Ann Hematol. 2020 Jun;99(6):1283-1291. 2020Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1601ICTResults of Intercontinental Cooperative Non-Hodgkin T-Cell Lymphoma Prospective Registry StudyBlood Volume 134, Supplement 1, 13 November 2019, 2019CohortPTCLRegistry
CISL1600SPEEDA Prospective Study of Preemptive Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Therapy in HBsAg-Positive Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Receiving Rituximab Plus Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, and PrednisoneAJG.2023 Feb;10.143092023CohortDLBCL1st-line
CISL1508PEL-PBLBody Cavity-Based Lymphoma in a Country with Low Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevalence: A Series of 17 Cases from the Consortium for Improving Survival of LymphomaCancer Res Treat. 2019 Oct;51(4):1302-1312.2019RetrospNHL
CISL1506VIDL+ASCTOpen-label, single arm, multicenter phase II study of VIDL induction chemotherapy followed by upfront autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with advanced stage extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma.Bone Marrow Transplant. 2020 Dec 4. 2020Phase 2NK/T1st-line
CISL1505BendamustineBendamustine plus rituximab for relapsed or refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma: a multicenter retrospective analysis.Ann Hematol. 2018 Aug;97(8):1437-14432018RetrospDLBCL
CISL1502BENCARTA phase II trial of bendamustine, carboplatin, and dexamethasone for refractory or relapsed peripheral T-cell lymphoma (BENCART trial)Leuk Lymphoma. 2019 Dec;60(13):3251-3257.2019Phase 2PTCLSalvage
CISL1501Bilateral OAMZLTreating synchronous bilateral ocular adnexal marginal zone lymphoma: the consortium for improving survival of lymphoma study.Ann Hematol. 2018 Oct;97(10):1851-1857.2018RetrospMZL
CISL1406BRANEfficacy of Brentuximab Vedotin in Relapsed or Refractory High-CD30-Expressing Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Results of a Multicenter, Open-Labeled Phase II Trial.Cancer Res Treat. 2020 Apr;52(2):374-387. 2020Phase 2CD30+Salvage
CISL1404Giraffe-TPegfilgrastim Prophylaxis Is Effective in the Prevention of Febrile Neutropenia and Reduces Mortality in Patients Aged ≥ 75 Years with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treated with R-CHOP: A Prospective Cohort StudyCancer Res Treat. 2022 Oct;54(4):1268-12772021CohortPTCLRegistry
CISL1403Giraffe-BOutcomes in Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Results from Two Prospective Korean CohortsCancer Res Treat . 2023 Jan;55(1):325-333.2022CohortDLBCLRegistry
CISL1402EPOMAThe effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on the management of chemotherapy-induced anemia and tumor growth in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients Int J Cancer. 2019 Nov 1;145(9):2459-2467.2019Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1308PET-PRClinical outcomes in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma with a partial response to first-line R-CHOP chemotherapy: prognostic value of secondary International Prognostic Index scores and Deauville scores. Ann Hematol. 2017 Nov;96(11):1873-1881.2017RetrospDLBCL
CISL1307VRLIntraocular lymphoma in Korea: the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) study.Blood Res. 2015; 50(4):242-7.2015RetrospMZL
CISL1306JAK2Ruxolitinib shows activity against Hodgkin lymphoma but not primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphomaBMC Cancer. 2019 Nov 10;19(1):1080.?2019Phase 2CD30+Salvage
CISL1305BORMAOpen-Labeled, Multicenter Phase II Study of Bortezomib for Maintenance Therapy in Patients with High Risk Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL): Borma Trial from Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL)Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2884.2019Phase 2DLBCLMaintenance
CISL1304DLBL-autoInduction chemotherapy followed by up-front autologous stem cell transplantation may have a survival benefit in high-risk diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients.Hematol. 2016; 44(1):3-13.2016RetrospDLBCL
CISL1302Prog-MZLPlatelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) retains independent prognostic significance in advanced stage marginal zone lymphoma patients treated with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone combination chemotherapy (R-CVP): Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma trialBlood Res . 2017 Sep;52(3):200-206.2017RetrospMZL
CISL1301PINKA prognostic index for natural killer cell lymphoma after non-anthracycline-based treatment: a multicentre, retrospective analysis.Lancet Oncol. 2016; 17(3):389-400.2016RetrospNK/T
CISL1209Abb R-CHOPFeasibility of abbreviated cycles of immunochemotherapy for completely resected limited-stage CD20+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (CISL 12-09).Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 21;8(8):13367-13374.2017Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1208FOLIKClinical Features and Survival of Patients With Follicular Lymphoma in Korea.Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2016;?16(4):197-202.2016RetrospFL
CISL1206Elderly DLBCLMulticenter Phase 2 Study of Reduced-Dose CHOP Chemotherapy Combined With Rituximab for Elderly Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell LymphomaClin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2019 Mar;19(3):149-1562019Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1205BME-BCEBusulfan, Melphalan, and Etoposide (BuME) Showed an Equivalent Effect to Busulfan, Cyclophosphamide, and Etoposide (BuCE) as Conditioning Therapy for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Relapsed or High-Risk Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Multicenter Randomized Phase II Study by the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL)Cancer Res Treat . 2023 Jan;55(1):304-313.2023Phase 2NHLASCT
CISL1204Hyper-CVADMulticenter analysis of treatment outcomes in adult patients with lymphoblastic lymphoma who received hyper-CVAD induction followed by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Ann Hematol. 2015; 94(4):617-25.2015RetrospLL
CISL1203Burkitt Treatment Outcomes of Rituximab Plus Hyper-CVAD in Korean Patients with Sporadic Burkitt or Burkitt-like Lymphoma: Results of a Multicenter Analysis.Cancer Res Treat. 2015; 47(2):173-81.2015RetrospBL
CISL1202PBSCHHigh-dose etoposide plus granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as an effective chemomobilization regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma previously treated with CHOP-based chemotherapy: a study from the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma.Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014; 20(1):73-92014RetrospNHL
CISL1201V-FNDResults of a phase II study of vorinostat in combination with intravenous fludarabine, mitoxantrone, and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma: an interim analysis.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2016; 77(4):865-73.2016Phase 2MCLSalvage
CISL1111BMClinical significance of cytogenetic aberrations in bone marrow of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: prognostic significance and relevance to histologic involvement.J Hematol Oncol. 2013; 3;6:76.2013RetrospDLBCL
CISL1110Wal-MZLWaldeyer's ring marginal zone B cell lymphoma: are the clinical and prognostic features nodal or extranodal? A study by the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL)Int J Hematol. 2012; 96(5):631-7.2012RetrospMZL
CISL1109PTCL-PxLymphopenia is an important prognostic factor in peripheral T-cell lymphoma (NOS) treated with anthracycline-containing chemotherapyJ Hematol Oncol. 2011; 15;4:34.2011RetrospPTCL
CISL1108RAD-CHOPA phase I study of everolimus and CHOP in newly diagnosed peripheral T-cell lymphomas.Invest New Drugs. 2013; 31(6):1514-212013Phase 2PTCL1st-line
CISL1107PROCESS-BMAssessment of bone marrow involvement in patients with lymphoma: report on a consensus meeting of the Korean Society of Hematology Lymphoma Working PartyKorean J Intern Med 2016;31:1030-10412016CohortDLBCLRegistry
CISL1106Breast DLBCLFirst-Line Treatment for Primary Breast Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Using Immunochemotherapy and Central Nervous System Prophylaxis: A Multicenter Phase 2 Trial.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 6;12(8):2192.2020Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1105Wal-NHLClinical characteristics, pathological distribution, and prognostic factors in non-Hodgkin lymphoma of Waldeyer's ring: nationwide Korean study.Korean J Intern Med. 2014;?29(3):352-60.2014RetrospNHL
CISL1104adrenal DLBCLPrognostic factors in primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of adrenal gland treated with rituximab- CHOP chemotherapy from the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL)?????????J Hematol Oncol. 2012; 13;5(1):49.2012RetrospDLBCL
CISL1103Sinonasal DLBLCClinical outcome and prognosis of patients with primary sinonasal tract diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab-cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone chemotherapy: a study by the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma.Leuk Lymphoma. 2015; 56(4):1020-6.2015RetrospDLBCL
CISL1102local MZBLIs there role of additional chemotherapy after definitive local treatment for stage I/II marginal zone lymphoma?: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) studyInt J Hematol. 2015; 102(4):420-5.2015RetrospMZL
CISL1101Cuteneous NKTExtranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma from skin or soft tissue: suggestion of treatment from multinational retrospective analysis.????Ann Oncol. 2012; 23(10):2703-72012RetrospNK/T
CISL1017Intestinal NHLMulticenter retrospective analysis of 581 patients with primary intestinal non-hodgkin lymphoma from the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL).??????BMC Cancer. 2011; 29;11:321.2011RetrospNHL
CISL1016Intestinal DLBCLComparison of treatment strategies for patients with intestinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: surgical resection followed by chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone.??????Blood. 2011; 117(6):1958-65.2011RetrospDLBCL
CISL1015HLClinical features and outcomes of Hodgkin's lymphoma in Korea: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL).??Ann Hematol. 2012; 91(2):223-33.2012RetrospHL
CISL1014Advanced MZLStage IV marginal zone B-cell lymphoma--prognostic factors and the role of rituximab: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) study.Cancer Sci. 2010; 101(11):2443-72010RetrospMZL
CISL1013Salvage-RIRepeated radioimmunotherapy with 131I-rituximab for patients with low-grade and aggressive relapsed or refractory B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaCancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2013 Apr;71(4):945-53.2013Phase 2DLBCLSalvage
CISL1012Breast DLBCLMatched-pair analysis comparing the outcomes of primary breast and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in patients treated with rituximab plus chemotherapy.Int J Cancer. 2012; 131(1):235-43.2012RetrospDLBCL
CISL1011ESHAOxA phase II study of etoposide, methylprednisolone, high-dose cytarabine, and oxaliplatin (ESHAOx) for patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma.Ann Hematol. 2020 Feb;99(2):255-264.2020Phase 2HLSalvage
CISL1010OAMLOpen-labeled, multicenter phase II study of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisolone (R-CVP) chemotherapy in patients with non-conjunctival ocular adnexal MALT lymphomaCancer Med . 2022 Jul;11(14);2817-28232022Phase 2MZL1st-line
CISL1009R-maintanencePhase II study of R-CVP followed by rituximab maintenance therapy for patients with advanced marginal zone lymphoma: consortium for improving survival of lymphoma (CISL) studyCancer Commun (Lond). 2019 Oct 16;39(1):58.2019Phase 2MZLMaintenance
CISL1008MIDLEPhase II trial of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with L-asparaginase and MIDLE chemotherapy for newly diagnosed stage I/II extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (CISL-1008).?????Oncotarget. 2016, 20;7(51):85584-85591.?2016Phase 2NK/T1st-line
CISL1006PROCESSHighly elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase is associated with central nervous system relapse in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: Results of a multicenter prospective cohort study.Oncotarget. 2016, 1;7(44):72033-72043.2016CohortDLBCLRegistry
CISL1005Thyroid MZLPrimary Thyroid Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma of the Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Type: Clinical Manifestation and Outcome of a Rare Disease ? Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma StudyActa Haematol. 2012; 127(2):100-4.2012RetrospMZL
CISL1004R-consolidationWeekly rituximab consolidation following four cycles of R-CHOP induction chemotherapy in very elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: Consortium for improving survival of lymphoma study (CISL).????Eur J Haematol. 2015; 94(6):504-10.2015Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL1003GDPSalvage chemotherapy of gemcitabine, dexamethasone, and cisplatin (GDP) for patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a consortium for improving survival of lymphoma (CISL) trial.Ann Hematol. 2015; 94(11):1845-51.2015Phase 2PTCLSalvage
CISL1002MCLClinical features and treatment outcomes in patients with mantle cell lymphoma in Korea: Study by the Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma.Blood Res. 2014; 49(1):15-21.2014RetrospMCL
CISL0909NG-MZLNon-gastric marginal zone B-cell lymphoma in Korea: clinical features, treatment, and prognostic factors.?????????Korean J Intern Med. 2010; 25(3):227-362010RetrospMZL
CISL0908Ovary NHLClinical features and prognostic relevance of ovarian involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) report. Leuk Res. 2010; 34(9):1175-9.2010RetrospNHL
CISL0907BALTPulmonary marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type--what is a prognostic factor and which is the optimal treatment, operation, or chemotherapy?: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) study. Ann Hematol. 2010; 89(6):563-82010RetrospMZL
CISL0906CNS prophylaxisWhen do we need central nervous system prophylaxis in patients with extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type? Ann Oncol. 2010; 21(5):1058-63.2010RetrospNK/T
CISL0905Ox-PA phase II study of oxaliplatin and prednisone for patients with relapsed or refractory marginal zone lymphoma: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma trial.Leuk Lymphoma. 2016; 57(6):1406-122016Phase 2MZLSalvage
CISL0903Breast DLBCLClinical outcomes and prognostic factors in patients with breast diffuse large B cell lymphoma; Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) study. BMC Cancer. 2010; 22;10:321.2010RetrospDLBCL
CISL0902Multi-MALTMultiple mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue organs involving marginal zone B cell lymphoma: organ-specific relationships and the prognostic factors. Consortium for improving survival of lymphoma study.?????????Int J Hematol. 2010; 92(3):510-72010RetrospMZL
CISL0901BuMelEtoTreatment with intravenous busulfan, melphalan, and etoposide followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a multicenter study from the consortium for improving survival of lymphoma.Transpl Int. 2020 Oct;33(10):1211-1219. 2020Phase 2NHLASCT
CISL0900Alem PTCLNon-bacterial infections in Asian patients treated with alemtuzumab: a retrospective study of the Asian Lymphoma Study Group.????Leuk Lymphoma. 2012; 53(8):1515-242012RetrospPTCL
CISL0806BuMelThioAutologous hematopoietic cell transplantation using dose-reduced intravenous busulfan, melphalan, and thiotepa for high-risk or relapsed lymphomasBone Marrow Transplantation. 2019 Feb; 54(2): 330-2018Phase 2NHLASCT
CISL0805NG-MZLRelapsed or refractory nongastric marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: multicenter retrospective analysis of 92 cases.Am J Hematol. 2009; 84(12):826-9.2009RetrospMZL
CISL0804LLClinical features and treatment outcomes of adult B- and T-lymphoblastic lymphoma: results of multicentre analysis in Korea. Leuk Lymphoma. 2009; 50(7):1119-25.2009RetrospLL
CISL0802ESHAOXA multicenter phase II trial of etoposide, methylprednisolone, high-dose cytarabine, and oxaliplatin for patients with primary refractory/relapsed aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2009; 64(1):27-33.2009Phase 2DLBCLSalvage
CISL0801VIDL Concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by L-asparaginase-containing chemotherapy, VIDL, for localized nasal extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma: CISL0801 phase II study.??Ann Hematol. 2014; 93(11):1895-901.2014Phase 2NK/T1st-line
CISL0705Vel-CHOP2Bortezomib in combination with CHOP as first-line treatment for patients with stage III/IV peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial.Eur J Cancer. 2012; 48(17):3223-31.2012Phase 2PTCL1st-line
CISL0704NG-MZLNongastric marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: a prognostic model from a retrospective multicenter study.Cancer Lett. 2007; 8;258(1):90-7.2007RetrospMZL
CISL0703Intestinal MZLIntestinal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type: clinical manifestation and outcome of a rare disease. Eur J Haematol. 2007; 79(4):287-912007RetrospMZL
CISL0702GIDOXSalvage therapy with gemcitabine, ifosfamide, dexamethasone, and oxaliplatin (GIDOX) for B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a consortium for improving survival of lymphoma (CISL) trial. ?????Invest New Drugs. 2011; 29(1):154-60.2011Phase 2DLBCLSalvage
CISL0701Vel-CHOPPhase I study of proteasome inhibitor bortezomib plus CHOP in patients with advanced, aggressive T-cell or NK/T-cell lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 2008; 19(12):2079-83.2008Phase 1PTCL1st-line
CISL0609NG-MZLNongastric marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: analysis of 247 cases. Am J Hematol. 2007; 82(6):446-522007RetrospMZL
CISL0608nodal MZLNodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: Analysis of 36 cases. Clinical presentation and treatment outcomes of nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2006; 85(11):781-6.2006RetrospMZL
CISL0607RI-conPilot trial of yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan consolidation following rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone chemotherapy in patients with limited-stage, bulky diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.??Leuk Lymphoma. 2012; 53(5):807-11.2012Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL0606Gem/MZLPhase II study of gemcitabine for treatment of patients with advanced stage marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) trial.Invest New Drugs. 2010; 28(2):171-72010Phase 2MZL1st-line
CISL0605R-CVPPhase II trial of rituximab plus CVP combination chemotherapy for advanced stage marginal zone lymphoma as a first-line therapy: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma (CISL) study.?????????Ann Hematol. 2012; 91(4):543-51.2012Phase 2MZL1st-line
CISL0604 A-DHAPAlemtuzumab and DHAP (A-DHAP) is effective for relapsed peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified: interim results of a phase II prospective study.???Ann Oncol. 2009; 20(2):390-2.2009Phase 2PTCLSalvage
CISL0603Vel-CHOPA phase I/II study of bortezomib plus CHOP every 2 weeks (CHOP-14) in patients with advanced-stage diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.?????????Korean J Hematol. 2012; 47(1):53-9.2012Phase 2DLBCL1st-line
CISL0602RIRadioimmunotherapy with (131)I-rituximab for patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).??J Clin Oncol. 2011 Jun;7(2):136-45.?2011Phase 2DLBCLSalvage
CISL0601VIPDPhase II trial of concurrent radiation and weekly cisplatin followed by VIPD chemotherapy in newly diagnosed, stage IE to IIE, nasal, extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma study.J Clin Oncol. 2009; 10;27(35):6027-32.2009Phase 2NK/T1st-line